50/50 draw v Coventry City

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3rd August 2013

The winning number today was 10114. The winning prize of £217.05 (we’ve no idea where the odd five pence came from!) was claimed after the game. Many thanks for your support.

We apologise for the fact that only one winning ticket was drawn. Normally we would have a first and second prize but an administrative error meant that the entire prize pot was awarded to one ticket only. This won’t happen again!

For your information, if for any reason you don’t hear the winning numbers, the details will be posted on Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/CTFCSA – and on twitter @ctsalliance . We also write them down and post them on the CTSA cabin and in Redz Bar. Or you can email comms@ctfcsa.co.uk and we shall email the results straight back.


Ian Townsend

Ian Townsend