CTFC coaching- we think they Lovett!
Around 45 local youngsters recently enjoyed a three day Football Skills course arranged by Crawley Town Football Club. Crawley Town Supporters Alliance sponsored 6 places through their Community Scheme. Set at the impressive Oriel High School indoor and outdoor training facility, our stars of tomorrow were put through their paces from 9.30am through to 3pm. Course official Sam Dowling (Football Participating Officer for the club) said on the last day, “it’s been a successful exercise, the guys seemed to have enjoyed their time here and hopefully they will have learnt a few new skills”. Simon Pearce, also from the club, added, “we want to deliver a service to these children where they have fun and take the memories into the future, its not just about football but providing a positive experience for the people we work with either on the training pitch or in the class room”. From a CTSA perspective, it’s also about getting the young members of our community hooked on their football club, so we hope to see them at the Broadfield soon!
Aged between four and twelve they were divided into two groups. Learning new ball skills forms an important part of the lessons but there was time for playing actual games. Taking advantage of the mild weather CTFC part time coach Jay Lovett took the older ones outside to play matches on the astro pitch. The former Crawley and current Met Police player said, “it’s great for these kids to get out here and run about, I really enjoy these sessions.” He added, “we are using a heavy ball which encourages them to play it on the floor”!
CTSA Community officials have been working of this project for some while. Matt Putland took time out to see the action for himself and said, “it all looks great fun for the kids and they are receiving some excellent coaching. CTSA are very proud to be able to sponsor local children to this excellent three day course and we will be looking to do more throughout 2013”. The club are running further courses in 2013. Check out the CTFC website for information.
As a footnote, it was lovely to catch up with Jay. We talked about his days here at the Broadfield in the Doctor Martins League and in particular that recent FA game against Met Police. He revealed, “we gave Crawley far to much respect in the first half but during the second period we pressed forward in numbers and to be honest we were all gutted that we didn’t secure a replay. It just goes to prove how far CTFC have come with the club being in the third round of the FA Cup for the third year in a row”.

A collection of CTFC Community Coaches!
Words and Pictures from Colin Bowman, CTSA Matchday and Event Press