CTSA Statement – Chair & Vice-Chair to Resign from the Board.

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28th April 2017



As the season comes to an end, the CTSA wish to advise that current Chair, Carol Bates, will be stepping down from the position and resigning from the Board, at this year’s AGM.  Carol stated: “Since being voted in, 3½ years ago, the work involved as Chair has been a big part of my life.  Unfortunately, I now don’t have enough time to give 100% to the role.  With my position as Secretary of an ever-growing local youth Football Club and my involvement with the COGS (Crawley Old Girls) there are not enough hours in the day.  Since starting up the COGS 2 years ago, it has surpassed all expectations and, of course, the work that goes on behind the scenes has increased with it.  Encouraging older women to learn to play football has now become a passion of mine and something that I want to take forward, even further.

A lot of hard work has been put into the CTSA, by the Board, over the last few years and we have raised over £15,000, collected over 2500 Easter Eggs and organised many successful fundraising events, as well as being involved with some testing times!   We have also updated the organisation with a new website and logo.  We now have a good relationship with the Club, whilst maintaining our independence, and that is something we need to maintain.  Working with Bruce Talbot and Kelly Derham has been a breath of fresh air, under the ownership of Mr. Eren.

I would urge anyone who has an interest in Crawley Town to come forward and join the Board or just help as a member of a sub-committee.  There is always work to be done and many hands make light work!

We have one more fundraising event this season for all Reds’ fans (ladies and gentlemen), so please come along to the “Festival of Football” Charity Tournament at the Stadium on the 12th May and help us raise a large amount for charity.  All details are on the website www.ctfcsa.co.uk.

Finally, I have been extremely proud to Chair the Supporters’ Alliance and I would like to thank all the Board Members who have supported me over the last few years, especially Mat Cowdrey and Simon Smith.  I will still be helping with the mascots at home and will be on the Terrace week in, week out. COYR!”

Vice-Chair, Mat Cowdrey will also be stepping down, at the AGM, from his position due to work and family commitments.  Mat said “Whilst my stepping down will pass quietly and largely unnoticed, the gap that Carol leaves is sizeable. I have been consistently amazed that Carol has managed to balance her commitments with such application but her ongoing focus on COGS and Crawley United is understandable. It has been a pleasure to serve the CTSA as Vice-Chair over the past few years. Working alongside Carol and the rest of the Board has been extremely enjoyable and I feel confident that we are leaving our roles with the CTSA on a firm financial footing with a significantly enhanced relationship with the Club. Whilst the work of the Board and members of the CTSA has helped enhance this relationship with the Club, it could not have been achieved without the support and engagement of Kelly, Mr Eren and the rest of the team behind the scenes. For their assistance, openness and support I am truly thankful. Whilst I will be stepping down as Vice-Chair I will remain a passionate supporter and sponsor of the Club and an ongoing member of the CTSA.”


Please get in touch if you are interested in joining the CTSA Board.  We need new Board Members in various positions and even if you only have a few spare hours a week, it will help.  Equally, if you have a lot of spare time, we would like to hear from you!  Please email chair@ctfcsa.co.uk.


Reuben Watt

Reuben Watt

Reuben has been a Crawley supporter since 2011 and has been on the CTSA board since 2022. He is currently the chair of the CTSA. When he is not travelling home and away, he is working in Security.